No ordinary yarn went into the Dubarry Kilrush calf length Primaloft socks: Mixed with insulating Primaloft with Merino wool, nylon and elastane which combine made a soft, warm, stretchy strong sock. Not just that, they are designed to fit right and left feet individually, and have an elasticated section that grips for support. Your feet are going to love them.
- Sizes Small (35-39), Medium (40-43), Large (44-48)
- Medium weight socks, constructed of 38% Primaloft Silver Yarn, 38% Merino wool, 22% nylon, 2% elastane.
- Asymmetrical fit socks, knitted to fit specifically the left or right foot.
- Reinforced Achilles in strong polyamide.
- Elastic grip section for fit and support.
- In turned cuff for a relaxed comfortable fit.